Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Article Submission - Good and Bad Practices.

Article Submission
Why article submission is important? The two most important factors that influence the ranking of web pages include on page SEO and quality backlinks links pointing to your web site. High quality links can be achieved through article submission and hence plays an important role in SEO exercise. Read More....

SEO Tutorial

Monday, 29 April 2013

eCommerce Website SEO Tips

SEO Guidelines for E-commerce Website

Modern ecommerce sites face stuff competition to remain ahead in the race thanks to the surging popularity of online shopping among users. It is estimated that in the next few years, online shopping will account for a lion’s share of marketing activities, which makes it all the more challenging for the websites to get noticed.

Here are some useful SEO guidelines for ecommerce websites. Read More....

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Server Security - What it mean by Server Security

Server Security - What is Server Security?
Server security has assumed critical importance these days in the light of the ever increasing instances of hacking threats throughout the web space. There are many types of malicious software products that can be installed quite easily and automatically and to protect your servers from these threats, you have to ensure fool proof security mechanisms.Read more...

SEO Tutorial

Friday, 26 April 2013

Directory Browsing,what it means directory browsing enabled or disabled?

Directory Browsing
Facts about Directory Browsing: If you are a website owner or webmaster, you have the chance to come acrossfile manager. The file manager utility allows you to view all the folders and files which exists on your desktop and access them. Directory browsing is similar to that of a file manager for your web page, except that it is open to the public. Any user on the web world can get accessed to the directory on your website, view files which exist and retrieve them . Read more...

SEO Tutorial

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Dublin Core Metadata

Dublin Core - What is Dublin Core Metadata?

The Dublin Core meta data are a set of vocabulary terms that are used to describe a range of web resources including videos, images and  web pages among others.

The Dublin Core Metadata was originally developed in 1995 from the location of the original workshop, Dublin, Ohio.  At present it has representatives from more than 20 countries who regularly contributes to the meta tag set. Read More...

What is web crawling? How web crawlers work?

What are web crawlers?
What Do You Mean By Web Crawling: The search engine robots which scans the internet pages in an automated and methodical manner for the purpose of indexing in search engine result pages (SERP) is known as a web crawling. These kinds of computer programs are designed to be used just once; however for long-term usages they can be programmed conveniently. Read more...

SEO Tutorial 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

What are Microformats. Why microformat is important?

What are Microformats
Microformats are a set of simple, open data formats that are designed on  widely adopted standards like XHTML among others. Micro formats make it possible to make content that can be both read and comprehended by machines. Read more...

SEO Tutorial

What are backlinks, How to generate quality backlinks?

How to build quality backlinks?
Backlink (otherwise known as incoming or inbound link) is a link which points to a webpage or a website from another domain. The quality of a  back link is measured by the reputation of the domain that linked to your website. Search engines mostly look for backlinks for evaluating the popularity of your website and rank the page based on link metrics. So now let’s begin this SEO Tutorial on how to generate  quality backlinks for your website. Read More...

SEO Tutorial for Beginners

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

What are Meta Language Tags? Why to declare language of your website?

What is Meta Language Tag?
What are Meta Language Tags? Why should declare language of your website? While creating an international website, it is important to declare its language either using HTML or XML Attributions. XML can be used both as the information input and output by the application, and for the definition of the model itself. Read more..

SEO Tutorial 

Monday, 22 April 2013

Search Engine Indexing Process

Search Engine Indexing Process
A Walk through the Search Engine Indexing Techniques: In order to maintain a successful online business in today’s competitive world, it is required that your business website is ranked among the top in major search engines. You need to understand what a search engine is and how it works so as to place your website in all major SERPs. Read more....

SEO Tutorial

Friday, 19 April 2013

Website Slow Loading?

Why my website is loading slow

Faster loading of web pages would mean more customer visits to your site and better SEO ranking in search engines. So, it is really important to keep your website page load time as low as possible.

Studies have shown that over 50% of users expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less and even a fractional delay in the page response can adversely affect the conversion rates. Google has made it clear that page loading is one of the most important search engine ranking parameters.  Google is now using site speed as part of their algorithm while determining the site rank of websites.  Read more...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Dmoz Listing

Why Dmoz listing is important for your website?
DMOZ also known as the Open Directory Project or ODP is an exclusive manual directory, the listings of which are used by all top search engines including Google.  DMOZ is considered as one of the most reputed directories and is highly respected and rated. Hence by getting listed in this directory, your web sites will also enjoy a higher rating by search engines like Google and Yahoo. Read more...


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Using Flash Good and Bad Practices

Why Flash is not good for SEO?
Flash sites are not good from SEO perspective as all the major search engines have been unable to index the content in flash files. This could result in the low search rankings of sites that use flash. Web sites that are made entirely with Flash are not fully indexed by search engines as there are no links for search engine crawlers to follow or HTML text to copy. Read more...

SEO Tutorial

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Why Live Chat is important for your website?

Why live chat is important?
The fun of online shopping could get snapped abruptly when the call get disconnected with the customer care executive who  answer their questions in real time. This is where a live chat support facility comes to your aid. Apart from making sure that the visitors stick on to your website, a live chat option will also ensures complete information for the customers. Read More...


Monday, 15 April 2013

Why you must add FAQ Session on your website?

What is FAQ? Why FAQ Page is important for your website?
Frequently asked questions or FAQ pages are as important as your Home or Order now pages for improving your website authority. FAQ page play an important role in ensuring a smooth navigation for the users and offer a quick glance about your company’s products or services. Users value FAQ pages the most and very often they visit this page soon after visiting the Home page. FAQ pages thus add relevance and SEO value of your web pages. Read more...

SEO Tutorial

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Advantages of using XML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps - What is a Sitemap
XML Sitemaps are important features of any website as these can shed light on the Google algorithm in your site's design. Sitemaps make it easy for search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing to easily crawl and index the web pages. A sitemap lists out all your site's pages and posts without which your website will not be properly indexed. Read more...

SEO Tutorial for Beginners

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Why Frames are bad for SEO?

Why Frames or Iframes are Bad for SEO?
A visually appealing website that is monopolized by Javascript, flash images or frames might look stunning in the eyes of an ordinary web user but it could turn off the search engines very badly. So, it is recommended to perform a periodic site audit to find design errors that could hamper the normal SEO processes. One of the most prominent SEO barriers is frames or iframes. Read More...

SEO Tutorial Blogs

Why blog is important in your website for better SEO?

Why you must add a blog for your website?
Blogging could be a passion for some or a vocation for others. However above all, a regularly updated blog in your site will enhance your website traffic and notch up your search engine ranking. Read More...

SEO Tutorial

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Why robots.txt for your website?

What is robots.txt? Importance of robots.txt
Robots.txt is a text and not a html file that is used in websites to instruct the search robots the pages you would like them not to visit. Though Robots.txt is not something mandatory for search engines, it will convey the message that the site need not be crawled. Read more...

SEO Tutorial

Monday, 8 April 2013

Website canonicalization between www and non www domain name versions.

Canonical url? Importance of website canonicalization between www or without www domain
URL canonicalization is the process which involves the modification and standardization of URLs  in a consistent manner. The main objective of this method is to change a URL into a canonical URL so as to reduce the chances of URL duplication. Read more...

SEO Tutorial

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Mobile Site Optimization Tips - Mobile SEO Tips

How to optimize a mobile site - Mobile Site SEO
Mobile phones are no longer used for just making calls but have evolved to be full fledged communication devices that involve mobile internet and communication facilities. There has been a steady rise in the number of mobile internet users in the last few years that the industry sources predict that the day is not far enough when mobile internet users will be more than desktop users. Read more...

SEO Blogs

Why my website slow loading?

Why your website is loading slow?
Why my website loading slowly?; You may get chucked with seeing all the time your website loading too slowly even when you use high speed internet connection. What may be the reason for slow loading of your web pages. Website pages should ideally be small and simple because these get loaded fast. Both humans and search engine crawlers abhor web pages that take too long to load. Online visitors are always in a  hurry to retrieve the information that they are looking for and often they are turned off by sites that do not load quickly. Read more...

SEO Tutorial Blogs

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Does your website contents in printable format?

Why printability is essential for a website?
Though web pages are typically designed for online reading, many a time users print the content of useful websites for future reference. Many web pages do not able to print well because of the page settings and images that are incorporated into a web page. Read more...

SEO Tutorial