Directory Browsing
Facts about Directory Browsing: If you are a website owner or webmaster, you have the chance to come acrossfile manager. The file manager utility allows you to view all the folders and files which exists on your desktop and access them. Directory browsing is similar to that of a file manager for your web page, except that it is open to the public. Any user on the web world can get accessed to the directory on your website, view files which exist and retrieve them . Read more...
SEO Tutorial
Facts about Directory Browsing: If you are a website owner or webmaster, you have the chance to come acrossfile manager. The file manager utility allows you to view all the folders and files which exists on your desktop and access them. Directory browsing is similar to that of a file manager for your web page, except that it is open to the public. Any user on the web world can get accessed to the directory on your website, view files which exist and retrieve them . Read more...
SEO Tutorial