Use and importance of Schema Markup
Having a structured data is a vital part of a string on-page optimization strategy, which is one among the major pillars of an SEOplan. Although most of the tried and on-page techniques are very much valid these days, it is still a wise decision to think about the various methods to make your content part stand out from rest of the others within the search engines. One of the best ways in which you can carry out this is with the use of Schema markup in the content, which in turn can impact the CTR of your listings within the search engines. This SEO tutorial will take you through the basics of Schema and how to add it on your blog contents. Read more...
Having a structured data is a vital part of a string on-page optimization strategy, which is one among the major pillars of an SEOplan. Although most of the tried and on-page techniques are very much valid these days, it is still a wise decision to think about the various methods to make your content part stand out from rest of the others within the search engines. One of the best ways in which you can carry out this is with the use of Schema markup in the content, which in turn can impact the CTR of your listings within the search engines. This SEO tutorial will take you through the basics of Schema and how to add it on your blog contents. Read more...