Difference Between Search Engine Spiders and Crawlers
An automated program or a script that browses through the web world in a systematic and logical manner to furnish the most recent data to a specific search engine is known as the search engine crawler. In simple terms, we can say that crawlers are automated programs that directly follow the hyperlinks from webpage to webpage. They are defined as a semantic algorithm that finds out the significance of the page indexed, on the basis of frequency and the proximity of the keywords. Read more...
SEO Tutorial
An automated program or a script that browses through the web world in a systematic and logical manner to furnish the most recent data to a specific search engine is known as the search engine crawler. In simple terms, we can say that crawlers are automated programs that directly follow the hyperlinks from webpage to webpage. They are defined as a semantic algorithm that finds out the significance of the page indexed, on the basis of frequency and the proximity of the keywords. Read more...
SEO Tutorial