Monday, 19 August 2013

Google Disavow Tool: The Facts and the Myths

Google’s Disavow Tool: The Facts and the Myths
As a consequence of the Google Penguin`s latest updates, the link profiles of sites are drawing much attention. If you wish to carry out a comprehensive link audit for rebuild or just eliminating the dubious link from the site, the positive news is that there are various options available now. If the Google`s webmasters team ignore your queries, then Google’s Disavow Tool allows you to report links which are disputed. However, just like any other new tool, there are several concerns or myths associated with it. In this SEO tutorial, we will dive into the details of Google Disavow tools and the steps that you need to take to ensure the most effective use of it, making it favorable for your site`s rankings for a long term. Read more...